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* Simple thoughts, emotions and ideas. (ABSTRACT)
* World cultures
* Dr.Sravz style - Personalized art pieces

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Monday, June 29, 2009

A tribute to my great-grandfather..

Sri S SubbaRao garu who hailed from Kovvur (Andhra Pradesh), had a direct relationship with Mahatma Gandhiji and other National leaders including Babu Rajendra Prasad and played an active role in the Freedom fight movement. Sri Vavilala Gopalakrishna, the first chief minister of Andhra Pradesh was one of his many great followers. He fought for the fundamental human rights, headed an aashram and also edited and published a magazine called 'Palleturu'(meaning: village), died before Quit India Movement.

* A.P.Telugu Parishad Published a Non-detailed text book on his life achievements.
* Several articles were published in magazines and newspapers.
* Was known as 'Vayojana Vidya Pitha Mahudu' (meaning: Father of adult education).
* People have been awarded Ph.D. for their work on his life achievements.


for one of his interviews.
Creative Commons License
This work by Dr S L Sravanti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.