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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Meeting President Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

- The day it was ......................

A bright February afternoon spent among the members of the medical fraternity, His Excellency
President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam was an experience that cannot be ever forgotten.
He is all what is said of him down to earth, humble and very approachable.
The very sight of him walking up to the dais to address us was so enthralling and unbelievable. But walking with quick steps Dr Kalam was all smiles at the doctors and members of the press and it was an immense pleasure to receive him on the dais.

To describe how good it was to meet the President in person and interact with him is not an easy task to accomplish. The best of our youth get an amazing experience when they meet Dr Kalam. He can blend with the youth like no one else. But questioning the President at any point of time can be a very intimidating experience. Although we had prepared for the 'Question hour', we were'nt, atleast I was'nt expecting it to happen as we were told that it would depend on his schedule that day and therefore a li'l uncertain. As I was listening to him speak..., the next thing I know is he calls out my name! I went totally blank for a moment.., fortunately recovered in no time, to put my question to him regarding 'Nanotechnology' to which he very patiently answered. When one questions him, he gives his undivided attention and of course the audience is all ears all along. President's visit to our college on the occasion of our Golden Jubilee celebrations was very significant as he could influence the educated youth and also infuse electrifying ideas in their minds who are the future of our country.

It was an honor to be given the opportunity to sing our National Anthem on the dais
in the presence of the First citizen of our Nation, His Excellency President Dr Kalam himself and I had never felt so privileged ever before. And to receive compliments from Dr Kalam himself was something I never even dreamt of before.
The whole event had such a big influence on me that I was on cloud nine for a day following the event and felt like a celebrity. I will cherish the moment Dr Kalam spoke to me in person forever and remember the day as the day I met the President of India.

Creative Commons License
The Meeting President Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam by Dr S L Sravanti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Creative Commons License
This work by Dr S L Sravanti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.