To go to my Art Gallery - Please click on 'ARTWORKS' in the section LINKS TO MY OTHER WORKS on the left column of the page.
My Art Themes -
* Simple thoughts, emotions and ideas. (ABSTRACT)
* World cultures
* Dr.Sravz style - Personalized art pieces

To check out my songs - Please click on 'SONGS!' in the section 'LINKS TO MY OTHER WORKS' on the left column of the page to listen to songs (English pop and Hindi).

Thank you :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Every second counts

Time undoubtedly is the most precious commodity on planet earth. Many a time I feel as if I am running out of time. Life really seems short when there is so much to achieve.
'Put in all the effort and just keep going' is the mantra of life.
Live in the moment and dont ever let go the present 'cause time and tide wait
for none.

Creative Commons License
The Every second counts by Dr S L Sravanti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Here are a few mural paintings I made using white cement+fevicol paste........ didn't expect it would be hard to work with it, but I must say it takes a lot out of you!

Jai Ganesha Deva..

Arabian belly dancer!

Thai angels!

Dervish spins!


Jus' phlogging....


.................. here, there....... GOD is everywhere..................


............................... INNOCENCE ......................................


............................. Speaks for itself...................................
Creative Commons License
This work by Dr S L Sravanti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.